Using a Podcast to Generate Microcontent

Don’t think of your podcast as the end result of your marketing’s really just the beginning of a content-rich stream of possibilities. Podcast content can be easily broken down and repurposed into multiple strategic pieces of marketing called microcontent. We previously discussed what microcontent is but did you know that from one podcast you can generate blog posts, social media snippets, email campaigns, and more? Here’s how it works and how it can benefit your business.

Start with an excellent source

In order for this repurposing strategy to work, you need to start with quality content. Think of each podcast as the trunk of a healthy tree. The microcontent you create from this podcast is the vibrant branches and blooms that emerge from the tree. The better the base content, the more valuable and captivating your microcontent is for your audience.

There are a few simple tips to employ to continually create the best content. Start by structuring your content into easily identifiable sections. This will make it easier to find the information you need when you are reviewing the transcript for microcontent material. Next, ask well-researched and targeted questions that will naturally elicit quality soundbites and quotes. Lastly, focus on actionable content that explains how your listeners can take the next step. This will make the microcontent you produce more interactive and meaningful.

By thinking ahead to the microcontent you’ll need to create, this strategy actually gives you an extra push to always put out the best podcast you can produce.

Microcontent return on investment

It goes without saying that microcontent maximizes ROI. In the past, you might have paid separately for content specific to blogs, social media, email, etc. By taking advantage of the source material you already have, you can cut down on your content creation spend while maximizing the output you get from your source material.

Ultimately, the purpose of microcontent is to drive the audience back to the original source. There’s excellent SEO value in generating as much valuable content as possible from your original podcast. Microcontent is relatively easy to create and typically has a very low cost to high-value ratio. You’re probably wondering if you can create microcontent from other sources such as blogs. You can do this, but it’s much more fruitful to derive content from an audio source. Even a simple transcription of a podcast can be a powerful SEO tool.

Create a routine to repurpose content

Once you are done editing your podcast your first step should be to create an edited transcript. From there, you can create a routine and a schedule for creating and disseminating your microcontent with each new podcast. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be cranking out blog posts, audio/video soundbites for Twitter and Facebook, pull quotes for Instagram, quick tips on Linkedin and email campaigns with ease. And don’t forget to monitor responses to all those actions to see which ones resonate the most. Your routine will always need tweaking for optimal performance but creating and sticking to these early habits will set a foundation for success.

Get started today on your path to successfully generating microcontent from your podcasts. Just remember to start with your best source material, form easily repeatable microcontent generating habits, and watch as your microcontent generates valuable SEO returns.
